So You Think You’re Not Important!
Are You Kidding?
A Bible Study for the Mis-Informed

(from the back cover)
“Basically it comes down to this…When you finally tire of trying to fill the bottomless pit of self, you’ve arrived at the end of lost.
Now the only way to live is UP!”

You are a member of God’s family. Yes, you heard it right! As a true believer in Jesus Christ, you are God’s child and a member of His family. And do you  know what else? You have a calling! God gave each of us a very special job to do for Him, to further His Kingdom, and to give glory to His precious Name.
And He’s given us all we need to accomplish our task.
So come out of yourself and come to HIM!
This Bible Study is an introduction to an unbelievable journey of love that awaits you.
With questions and answers on opposite pages.

Format: Trade Paper
SRP: $9.99

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